Generation E...E-book, that is.
In 2005, over 99 million TONS of paper and paperboard were used in the United States alone (source: ). The amount of junk mail, fliers, books and so on require massive amounts of paper to be generated--and only a fraction of that is ever recycled. But in recent years, many IT departments have begun moving to a "paperless" environment. ISO standards call for reduction or removal of printed materials from the workplace--all data is stored online and accessed electronically, ensuring that data is always up-to-date. Even bulk mailers are getting more environmentally friendly, choosing to overload your email inbox instead of your physical mailbox, inadvertently saving paper in the process. But what about books? Sure, books in digital format have existed for years. But reading on a bright, backlit monitor can be a pain. Staring at a computer screen for hours at a time can be exhausting, and the desire to g...