Using LinkedIn to make yourself relevant...

Today's mini-blog is going to be focused on LinkedIn.  A type of social networking site, LinkedIn allows professionals to connect in a way that is similar to Facebook or Myspace, but for business.

LinkedIn is used by many in the IT, engineering, teaching and technical industries, and allows professionals to meet and reconnect with those in their chosen career field.  Friends on LinkedIn can post job openings, give references to others, and help each other with job searches.

To join LinkedIn, simply go to their website,  You will be asked to give some information about yourself, your work history, and your experience.  This information will be displayed on your profile page so that potential employers and friends can get a better idea of your relevance in the workforce.

LinkedIn is not guaranteed to find you a job.  However it does give you an easily-accessible online presence that employers and business leaders can look at.  People you worked at a decade ago may just so happen to have a job available for you today, and without a website like LinkedIn you may never know it.

The job market is getting slimmer and the available jobs are being filled up quickly.  So don't delay--join LinkedIn now and start connecting!


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